I am pooped!  Today is Deloitte's annual Impact Day.  Where all Deloitte employees, yes all 7000+ of us, go out into the community to give back. Last year I led a project at a women's shelter and went back to do it again this year.  We cleaned the kitchen and cleaned up their yard so that it's a comfortable place for these women, and often their children, to stay while they are transitioning out of abusive situations.

While we ate lunch, one of the ladies that works there gave us some background into the history of the shelter and I had heard it last year but still the story makes me tear up.  Even she teared up, which I think is so amazing, because she's has been working there for 20+ years and I'm sure she's told this story over and over and over again.  It really does take a special kind of person to do this kind of work.
