The pools open!
Tuned up my own bike for the first time. Love what I can do with YouTube and MEC
DVP was a nightmare today!
My friend Eileen did a backcountry camping workshop with us today. She taught us how to tie knots, put up a tarp, setup a stove, navigate a map with a compass, triangulate yourself on a map using a compass, filtrate water, how to pack your pack, and what to pack. It was so fun!
Boo! Someone bumped my car today and tried to drive off. Luckily we saw it happen and flagged him down. Ugh!
Taco, Burrito, What's comin outta your speedo. You're putting around like a motor boat.
We had a Cinco de Mayo party at work today. The food was fantastic.
Best purchase of my life! It's so easy to turn all my paper into a digital filing cabinet.
School's out for a few weeks. I'm actually catching up on some reading.
Currently reading David Kelley (CEO of IDEO)'s book, Creative Confidence.