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Boo! Someone bumped my car today and tried to drive off. Luckily we saw it happen and flagged him down. Ugh!
Taco, Burrito, What's comin outta your speedo. You're putting around like a motor boat.
We had a Cinco de Mayo party at work today. The food was fantastic.
Best purchase of my life! It's so easy to turn all my paper into a digital filing cabinet.
School's out for a few weeks. I'm actually catching up on some reading.
Currently reading David Kelley (CEO of IDEO)'s book, Creative Confidence.
Went to the wearables exhibit today at the CHI conference. A lot of wearables the last 20-30 years has been focused on vision stuff.
Went to see the This Is Not A Toy exhibit at the Design Exchange today. The curator's walked us through the show and talked about stuff. I love museum audio tours so this was so fun for me.
I started to draw dogs because I went to the dog park today... But instead I drew blank pages to show how behind I was on my doodles.
Tried to install new sensor light switches at my front door. Didn't work because my building is so old the wiring doesn't work on sensor switches.
Then tried to fix the strainer basket in my kitchen sink. I had to go back to Home Depot 3 times to get the right parts.
One of our coops, Anya, goes back to school tomorrow. Came in to say goodbye. Our team got her Cinnabons.
Also known as 100 people bathing in geothermal plant waste water and calling it a spa